Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC)

About EDC
Entrepreneurship is a key element in the industrialization and economic progress of a nation. The institute has a strong belief that education is never complete without exposing students to the dimension of self-employment.
To Produce successful entrepreneurs imbibed with leadership qualities and ethical business practices to make global impact.
- To develop entrepreneurship awareness among the students.
- To enhance the Entrepreneurial skills of the students.
- To Promote Innovation and create an entrepreneurial culture in the Institution.
Incubation Centre – ABHINAV
Cell has one Incubation Centre in the Institute premises. It is named as ABHINAV. It was inaugurated on 21 September 2021. The main objective is to accelerate the growth and success of budding entrepreneurs through an array of business support resources and services. Incubation Centre helps the students to build a business by providing them with Management Training, Business Plans and prototypes to successfully venture into an enterprise. It also provides expert mentorship; resources like office space, administration and legal counsel, and even seed money.
Events Organized
S. No. | Date | Acitivity |
1. | 01/09/2017 | Introductory Meet of I year students |
2. | 16/10/2017 | NENProgram on Entrepreneurship |
3. | 22/11/2017 | Movie Review : Showing Entrepreneur Skills |
4. | 23/01/2018 | Poster Making Competition |
5. | 10-14/03/2018 | NavUdyami – an Entrepreneur Meet |
6. | 06/05/2018 | Business Plan Competition |
Introductory session on Entrepreneurship was taken on 1/9/2017 by EDC Coordinator Dr. Deepa Katiyal . Students of UG and PG were informed about all the facilities given by EDC.
Rocket Singh Movie Review was done by BBA students on 22/11/2017. Business Plan Competition was organized for BBA students in which 24 teams participated. Winners were awarded and students with good business ideas were motivated to open their startups.
NavUdyami 2018 was organized from 10/3/2018 to 14/3/2018. The chief Guest of the event was Mr Jagdish Verma, Chairman S. Vintage Group. Dr. Deepak Bhandari (MPCON) guided students for the opportunities in entrepreneurship today. Many young and energetic entrepreneurs were invited as panelist for discussion on the topic ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Budding Entrepreneurs in India’. The Panelists were Ms Saloni Jain, Founder, Celebrating Career, Mr Jagdish Chouhan, Founder, Divine Waste Management, MrJawalant Shah, Co Founder, SWAAHA, Ms Nidhi Kale, Founder, Atrangi Kona Mr Ashutosh Pasari, Founder, Pancoupe, Mr Sandeep Atre, Co-founder, CH Edge Maker. They all enlightened the students with the hardship they have gone through to become successful entrepreneurs.
S. No. | Date | Acitivity |
1. | 01/09/2018 | Introductory Meet of I year students |
2. | 22/11/2018 | Guest Lecture on Scope of Entrepreneurship |
3. | 06/12/2018 | Movie Review on Entrepreneurship Skill |
4. | 12-14/03/2019 | NavUdyami – an Entrepreneur Meet |
5. | 17/05/2019 | Business Plan Competition |
Dr. Punit K. Dwivedi, Group Director, Modern Group of Institutions, was invited as eminent speaker on 22/11/2018. He motivated young students to create companies that will provide long-lasting employment for the country. Entrepreneurship education benefits students from all socioeconomic backgrounds because it teaches students to think outside the box and nurtures unconventional talents and skills.
Rocket Singh movie was shown in Auditorium to BBA III Semester students on 6/12/2018 and were asked to enlist all entrepreneurial activities in the movie.
NavUdyami 2019- An Entrepreneur Meet was organized from 12/3/2019 to 14/3/2019. Mr. Sunil Sungamnerkar, Global Head, PSS Scale was the Chief Guest and Mr. Mayank Pratap, Engineer Babu was the Guest of Honour for the event. Mr. Vikas Swami, Chairman MPCON Ltd took the session on Awareness of all Government and Bank policies and loan facilities for budding Entrepreneurs. Dr Priyanka Mokshmar, Co-founder, Vaayu India, took an expert session and explained about the challenges of an entrepreneur on second day. Twelve Entrepreneurs participated in the Panel Discussion. Mr. Somil Matta, Laundry mart, Mr. Prashant, Chatar-Patar, Mr. Anubhav Dubey, Chai Sutta Bar, Ms. Aparajita Badoriya, IT Company, Mr. Mishal Jain, Oye 24, Mr. Pushyamitra Joshi, Social Entrepreneur (Rural Marketing), Mr. Gaurav Padiyar, Bingage. On last day, an Industrial visit was organized for enrolled students.
Business Plan Competition was organized on 17/5/2019 of UG Students. The main objective was to support and explore creativity, innovation and employability of the youth. The students were judged on Conceptualization of Idea, Feasibility of the project, Business description, Marketing plan, financial plan, competitive analysis etc.
S. No. | Date | Acitivity |
1. | 07/09/2019 | Introductory Session for UG and PG students on Entrepreneurship |
2. | 21/09/2019 | Guest Lecture on Import Export Policies in India |
3. | 19-24/10/2019 | Workshop on Business Analytics |
4. | 17/02/2020 – 22/02/2020 | Workshop by MSME on Entrepreneurship Development Programme |
Guest lecture by Mr. Rajendra Maru, CEO, Foreign Trade Management and Training Centre, Indore on 21/09/2019 was organised to explain the Role of Entrepreneurs in Import and Export business at National and International Level. Entrepreneurs are very important in promoting imports and exports which will lead to economic development of our country.
Workshop on Business Analytics was organized for MBA students from 19/10/19- 24/10/2019. The objective of the workshop was to develop an understanding of ‘Business Analytics’ and the importance of its practical application in the coming era of digitalization. The sessions were taken by Data Analyst, Industry experts, financial experts and Academicians. They threw light on importance and practical aspects of Data Analytics in today’s world. Big Data and statistical tools like SPSS and R were also discussed during the workshop. Sessions were taken by Parveen Parmar, Consagous Technologies Pvt. Ltd.., Dr. Vivek Sharma’s (IMS, Indore), Dr. Mayank Saxena (Director, IIST Indore) , Mr. Avinash Navlani, Yash Technology and CA Mr. Shashank Agrawal.
Another one week workshop from 17/02/20 to 22/02/20 was organized as “Entrepreneurship Development Program” in collaboration with MSME (Micro Small & Medium Enterprises) Technology Centre, Indore. The Program was sponsored under the Aegis of Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises. The main objective was to create awareness about the concept of entrepreneurship and also to learn Applications of tools and techniques of an entrepreneurial venture. The resource persons were from MSME Technology Centre.
S. No. | Date | Acitivity |
1. | 27/10/2020 | Webinar on Rural Development by MGNCRE |
2. | 14-19/01/2021 | Workshop on Entrepreneurial Projects Preparation and Competition |
3. | 18/06/2021-19/06/2021 | Business Plan Competition |
4. | 22/06/2021 – 23/06/2021 | NavUdyami- An Entrepreneur Meet |
Online Workshop on Rural Entrepreneurship by MGNCRE Hyderabad was organized by Entrepreneurship Development Cell on 27/ 10/ 2020. It was organized to introduce the students with Entrepreneurship opportunities in rural area.
Entrepreneurial Projects were prepared by MBA students and for that on 14/01/2021 a workshop was organized and then the projects were presented by the students in a group of four from 15/01/2021 to 19 /01/2021. Awards were given to the winners.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell of the Institute organized “Nav Udyami 2021 – An Entrepreneur Meet” on 22/6/2021 and 23/06/2021. It was on digital platform. It is an annual event aimed at promoting entrepreneurship amongst students. The resource person was Mr. Akhilesh Dubey, Innovation Ambassador, MoE’s of Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education. He unfolded various avenues of entrepreneurship. He also gave information about various entrepreneurial traits to be followed. Prospective sectors for entrepreneurial ventures in post-pandemic era were also discussed.
Business Plan Competition was organized on 18/6/2021 and 19/06/2021 of all UG and PG classes. The final round was organized on 23/6/2021. Mr. Vikas Swamy, Director, RICON Industrial Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. was the Judge. 155 students participated.
S. No. | Date | Acitivity |
1. | 10/10/2021 | Entrepreneurship Introductory session for UG I Year Students |
2. | 18/11/2021 | Entrepreneurship Project Workshop and Competition |
3. | 21/12/2021 | Webinar on “Emerging Trends and Opportunities in Entrepreneurship” |
4. | 03/01/2022 | Entrepreneurship Introductory session for PG I Year |
5. | 06-10/01/2022 | Entrepreneurship Project Competition |
6. | 05-07/05/2022 | NavUdyami- An Entrepreneur Meet |
Entrepreneurship Development Cell of the Institute organized the “Entrepreneurship - Introductory Session” for U.G. and P.G. students.The main objective of the program was to motivate students to look at entrepreneurship as a viable, lucrative and preferred career. The Introductory session was organized on 10/10/2021 for UG students and 3/01/2022 for PG students. The students were informed about the role, responsibilities and facilities of EDC and Incubation Centre. The presentation was given by students from MBA FA III year students. Along with the presentation few episodes of ‘Shark Tank India and ‘Business Blasters’ were also shown to the students so that they can understand basics of presenting their entrepreneurial plan before the investors.
Entrepreneurial Project and Model Competition’s preliminary round was organized from 6/01/2022 to 10/01/2022. Workshop was also organized by the Coordinator of EDC , Dr. Deepa Katiyal . 71 projects were presented by BBA and MBA students.
Nav Udyami 2022 – An Entrepreneur’s Meet is an annual event organized by the EDC, SVIM. The event was planned for the students of U.G. and P.G. level. The final round of Entrepreneurial Project and Model Competition was held on May 06, 2022 and Sessions of entrepreneurs and Panel Discussion were organized on May 07, 2022. The event aimed at making students aware of the entrepreneurial opportunities in today’s scenario.
Mr. Rajesh Agrawal, Director, Param Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. & Rama Group of Companies, Indore, was the Chief Guest and Mr. Sanjay Bhalerao, Owner, Integrity Medi Services, Indore, was the Guest of Honor. 210 students participated in the event.
- Motivational session by successful Entrepreneur/Start-up founder
- Workshop on ‘Executive skills’ for students.
- Poster Presentation competition on ‘Innovative Business Ideas’.
- Session/workshop on ‘Business Model Competition’.
- Workshop on “Intellectual property rights and IP management for start-up”.
- NavUdyami – An Entrepreneur Meet 2023
- Mr. Devendra Jain - Coordinator
- Dr. Poonam Nagar - Member
- Ms. Deepika Raikwar - Member
- Dr. Chandni Keswani - Member
- Mr. Ashish Sinhal - Member
- Mr. Hemant Pathak - Member